User`s guide

1.10.2 Basic LCM Commands
The basic LCM commands allow you to get help and log out. LCM
commands used for configuring your ATX are described in the
configuration chapters. When you want to use LCM, begin by
pressing the Return key several times to get the LCM prompt (
Note: The LCM prompt (ATX>) does not appear on the screen
immediately. Pressing the Return key repeatedly brings up the
LCM prompt. RETURN is the default password.
Logs you out of LCM. (The exit command is functionally
equivalent to the
quit command.)
Displays the menu of available commands. Help can also be
displayed by typing a question mark (?). The output from the
command is displayed below:
ATX> ?
ES/1 ATX Local Console Manager
addresses display [any] [ADDR [MASK]] to display learned addresses
arp [{add PORT# MACaddr IPaddr | delete PORT# IPaddr | display}]
to display arp table information
ataddr [<PORT#> <NETRANGE>] to set AppleTalk Network addresses
atroute [<PORT-RANGE> <OPTIONS>] to set AppleTalk routing methods
atzone [<PORT#> "<NAME>" {on|off} [default]] to set AppleTalk zones
baud [BAUD-RATE] to change the console baud rate
bridge [PORT-RANGE [OPTIONS]] to set bridging methods community
to change the password/community name
disable PORT-RANGE to disable a set of ports
display {verbose|terse} to select the display mode
elan VIFN {addto|remove} PORT# [802.3][802.5] pvccreate/remove PVC based ELAN
enable PORT-RANGE to enable a set of ports
erase to erase configuration information
eventdisplay [<#entries>]|[continuous] to display event log eventfilter