Installation guide

Installation Guide
Page 104
Document 0675
Error Message:
** Error during Database save as db_<extension>
Installation Phase:
Cause: Installation software is unable to save the existing SS database,
most likely because the SS database is write-protected or does not
exist (was deleted).
Solution: Use the chmod utility to make the SS database writable, and
reinstall. If this does not work, contact your Aprisma support or sales
Error Message:
** Error during Import of <MM names>
Installation Phase:
Cause: Install is unable to import an SS database import file into the SS
database. There are two likely reasons for this: either the SS database
does not contain a Model Type required by the SS database import file,
or the SS database has become corrupted.
Solution: This is a serious problem. Contact your Aprisma support or sales
Error Message:
** Error during Link of SpectroSERVER
** Error during Link of SpectroGRAPH
** Error during Patch of SpectroSERVER
** Error during Patch of SpectroGRAPH
** Error during chmod u+s of SpectroSERVER
** Error during Incremental link of Icon Objects
** Error during Incremental link of View Objects
** Error during Incremental link of SG Objects
** Error during Incremental link of Icon Objects
** Error during Incremental link of View Objects
Installation Phase:
LinkingSS or LinkingSG