Installation guide

Installation Guide
Page 59
Document 0675
UPGRD (Upgrade) - The version number of the CD component is
newer than the version number of an installed copy of the same
component type and represents an upgrade.
BADVERSION - This indicates that the version of the component is
inappropriate to install on this system. Typically, this will indicate a
mismatch between your version of SPECTRUM and a patch you are
attempting to install.
Note: Components that are selected for installation have
a Y in the appropriate SS, SG, or EXT columns
described below. For upgrades, the default is:
components with a status of EQUAL or DNGRD are
not selected for installation and cannot be selected
except via the Selection Filters screen (Figure 16
[page 61]). Components with a status of UPGRD
are selected by default, for installation.
Part Type This column identifies the type of the component as either Core,
CoreMM (Core Management Module), ManMod (non-core Management
Module), or XtnApp (External Application). For most installations, it is
essential to install all Core and CoreMM components.
Descriptive Name The common descriptive name of the component.
Version The version number of the component, identifying the SPECTRUM
major and minor release numbers, revision number, and patch version.
SS, SG, EXT These three columns indicate (by the letter Y or N) whether
the component contains elements associated with SpectroSERVER (SS)
or SpectroGRAPH (SG), or whether it is an external application (EXT).
The letter Y indicates that the elements are selected for installation or
re-linking while the letter N indicates they are not selected. The initial
settings depend on how the selector buttons were set in the Installation
Configuration screen. For example, if you clicked Select all
SpectroGRAPH components in the previous screen’s Component
Configuration panel, then Y will only appear in the SG column.
This is the preferred method of selecting only one type of component,
even though you can toggle SS and SG values here for components
that are not sub-components of a larger group. On the other hand, SS
and SG elements are not separately selectable for sub-components. In
any case, clicking on any Y or N cell in these columns will display a
description of the associated component in the panel described below.