Installation guide

Installation Guide
Page 72
Document 0675
Using the Command Buttons
The command buttons at the bottom of the screen let you cancel the
installation or view online help on the Installation Monitor screen.
Do one of the following:
•Click Cancel to exit the installation program.
•Click Help to open another screen that provides instructions for the
Installation Monitor screen.
Completing the Installation
When the Installation Status field (see Figure 20 [page 71]) value changes
to “Completed,” a message box displays to inform you that the installation
has completed successfully and on Solaris systems, that you must log out
and log back in to update the SPECTRUM icons and environment variables.
1. In the message box, click OK.
2. In the next message box, click Yes to complete the installation on a
Solaris system, or to continue with the installation on Windows
systems as described in Installing the Exceed X Server (Windows)
[page 72].
Installing the Exceed X Server (Windows)
If you selected to install the Exceed X server in the Installation Selection
screen (Figure 8 [page 45]
), an installation wizard appears. The wizard
leads you through the Exceed installation process with a series of prompts.
At the end of the installation process, a message box informs you that your
X server installation is complete.