Installation guide

Installation Guide
Page 82
Document 0675
Initiating Remote Display
To initiate remote display at your Windows workstation, follow these
1. Make sure the SPECTRUM Control Panel, and any applications that
you want to remotely display, are installed on the Solaris workstation
and configured to support remote display.
Note: SpectroGRAPH does not need to be running to
initiate remote display.
2. From the Windows Start menu, click Run. The Run window displays.
3. Type: Telnet <Solaris workstation host name> and hit Enter.
The Solaris login window displays.
4. Log into the Solaris workstation using your SPECTRUM User name
and password. The system will report your last login, host name,
operating system version, etc., followed by the Solaris prompt.
5. To set the remote display environment:
In the K (default) shell, type:
export DISPLAY=<remote display workstation name>:0.0
and hit Enter.
in the C Shell, type:
setenv DISPLAY <remote display workstation name>:0.0
and hit Enter.
In the Bourne shell type:
DISPLAY=<remote display workstation name>:0.0 export
display and hit Enter.
Note: If you are going to be using remote display
frequently, the display environment can be added
to your profile, so this step won’t have to be
repeated at each login.
6. Navigate to the <$SPECROOT> directory, type ./SCP and hit Enter.
The SPECTRUM Control panel displays. You now have remote access
to all SPECTRUM Control Panel functions, including access to client
SPECTRUM applications.