Installation guide

Installation Guide
Page 87
Document 0675
If You Used Model Type Editor
If you used the Model Type Editor (MTE) to customize your SpectroSERVER
database, make a record of all changes that you made with the MTE. Some
changes made with the MTE are not preserved when the database is
upgraded to a later version of SPECTRUM. Specifically, if you use the MTE
to change relations, metarules, or attributes of Aprisma-supplied or other
developer-supplied model types, those changes most likely will not survive
the database upgrade, and you will have to reapply the changes manually
after completing the upgrade.
Model types can be changed and improved in the upgraded version of
SPECTRUM, and these changes may need to overwrite customized values
for the new release of SPECTRUM to operate correctly. See the Model Type
Editor User’s Guide (9030659) for specific information about how to
preserve database changes, and which types of changes can be preserved.
Attributes and Elements Preserved With Model Types
Refer to the Figure 2 [page 88] to determine which model type attributes
and other elements are preserved when you use the listed scripts to
upgrade your SpectroSERVER database.
WARNING! The elements listed below do not survive model
and model type conversion.
SpectroWATCHes These must be rebuilt on the new model type.
SANM Policies At publication time, these polices were not preserved with
conversion. Check with your Aprisma support or sales representative
for updates if you need to preserve SANM policies.
Device Model Note Attributes (ID 0x11564) Unless otherwise stated,
conversion scripts do not preserve device model note attributes. Prior
to conversion, save the contents of any attributes for population into
the new models.
Device Model Submodel Note Attributes (ID 0x11564) A device model’s
submodel (i.e., application and interface models) notes are not
preserved. Prior to model conversion, save the contents of any
attributes for population into the new models.