
ATM BW Manager Port Pool Trap Management Table View
Device Management Page 114 SmartSwitch 9000/9500 Series
Node ATM Address
The ATM End System Address of the originating
Parent ATM Address
When the originating node is a peer group leader,
this indicates the ATM address of the parent LGN.
If the originating node is not the peer group leader
of its peer group, this attribute's value is set to
(all) zero(s).
Parent PGL Node ID
When the originating node is a peer group leader,
this identifies the node elected as peer group
leader of the parent peer group. If the originating
node is not the peer group leader of its peer
group, this attribute's value is set to (all) zero(s).
The Nodal Map Table contains the following fields.
The node whose nodal information is being
Indicates whether the originating node is
restricted to only allow support of SVCs
originating or terminating at this node. A value of
true indicates that the transit capabilities are
restricted, i.e., transit connections are not
allowed. A value of false indicates that transit
connections are allowed.
Indicates whether the originating node uses the
complex node representation. If the value is true,
the spokes and bypasses that make up the
complex node representation should be found in
the PNNI Map Table.
Indicates whether the originating node is able to
support additional branches. If the value is
false, then it can support additional branches.
Indicates whether the originating node is
currently operating in a topology database
overload state. Valid values are: true or false.
Indicates whether the originating node claims to
be PGL of its peer group. Valid values are: true or
The leadership priority value advertised by the
originating node.
Identifies the node that the originating node
believes should be or is PGL of its peer group. If
the originating node has not chosen a preferred
PGL, this field is all zeros.