
Token Ring Token Ring Station Table View
Device Management Page 87 SmartSwitch 9000/9500 Series
will remain until the changes are applied, at
which time the stations are actually removed from
the window. This option will remove all station
addresses except that belonging to the device
itself. Selecting a station and clicking ADD will
remove the symbol (-) and unmark that station for
Applies all changes made to the Allowed and
Disallowed Stations windows, writing the list from
the Allowed Stations window to the device and
from the Disallowed Stations window to
SPECTRUM, and removes all indicator markings
from the modified stations.
Updates the Allowed and Disallowed Stations
windows by reading the saved values from both
the device and SPECTRUM. This serves to reset
any changes you made to either window but did
not apply.
Exits from the view. Only changes that have been
applied will be saved.
Changing the Ring Security State
To change the level of ring security, follow these
1 Click on the desired security option.
2 Click Apply and then select OK in the
confirmation window.
If the new security state cannot be written to the
device, a Cannot Update error message appears.
There may be a problem contacting the device, or
the firmware may not have updated. Click Read
before attempting another update.
Adding Stations
To add stations to the view, follow these steps:
1 Click ADD. A pop-up dialog box appears.
2 Enter the station address in the text entry
field following the guidelines described in the
ADD button description.
3 Select the option corresponding to the list you
want to add the station to (Allowed or
Disallowed) and click Apply.
If the new station cannot be written to the device,
a Cannot Update error message appears. There
may be a problem contacting the device, or the
address you are trying to add to the station’s
allowed list may already exist. Click Read before
attempting another update.