User`s guide

Convert allows the network administrator to translate user information from several formats into
the SFVRA Connection Manager database file. Convert reads in the data and adds each user
sequentially into the database. If the application encounters a statement that it doesn’t recognize,
the conversion process will exit and an error message is shown that describes where the error can
be found. Once the error is corrected, you can re-run Convert. Convert will not update previously
existing users even if changes have been made. The files must be copied to the Windows NT
machine where the database resides, or to a network that the NT machine can access.
Note: If convert encounters a user name that already exists in the SFVRA Database, the user will
be skipped, regardless if any other information is different. Ensure that all users have
unique names.
There are two types of conversion that Convert performs: CSX Configuration Files and Data Files.
The CSX configuration files are IP.NEI and, depending on what version of UAA software the
CyberSWITCH is running, NETWORK.NEI or DEVDB.NEI. A data file contains only the user’s
name, password, and IP address.
The following is a list of supported file formats that can be translated by Convert:
CyberSWITCH configuration files
Data files