
9030981 E5
Use this guide if you are going to manage an ETSMIM through SPECTRUM.
Before reading this manual, you should be familiar with SPECTRUM’s
functions as described in the Operation documentation and the
Administration documentation. You should also be familiar with any network
management and hardware requirements described in the ETSMIM Terminal
Server documentation.
What is in this Guide
The following chapter descriptions outline the organization of the
Management Module Guide
Chapter Description
Chapter 1
Describes the ETSMIM management module
and model types.
Chapter 2
Device View
Describes the Device View’s representation
of an ETSMIM, as well as the views and
features available from the Device Menu.
Chapter 3
Configuration Views
Describes the Configuration Views available
for the ETSMIM which provide network
management information for the device.
Chapter 4
Events and Alarms
Contains a listing and explanation of the
event/alarm messages generated in the
Event Log or Alarm View for the ETSMIM
management module.
Chapter 5
Application View
Describes the Application View for the
ETSMIM management module and the
major and minor application information
provided by the view.