
9030981 E5 Configuration View
ETSMIM Device Configuration View
Serial Port Configuration View
indicates that port hardware is not present. Active indicates that the port is
on with a user present (e.g., logged in).
Input FlowCtrl
This field provides a button that allows you to choose the type of input flow
control. The choices for data flow control are described in Table 3-1.
Output FlowCtrl
This field provides a button that allows you to choose the type of output flow
control. Refer to Table 3-1 for the descriptions of data flow control options.
This field provides a button that allows you to execute a reset of the port into a
clean, initial state, for both hardware and software, disconnecting all of the
port’s existing sessions.
Admin Origin
This field provides a button that allows you to choose the administrative
origin of the port to device connection. Dynamic indicates that the port is
accessible from either the local command mode, or remotely by service name
or port number. Local indicates that the port is accessible only from the local
command mode. Remote indicates that the port is accessible remotely by
service name or port number. None indicates that the port is not accessible
and the server prevents any use of the port.
Maximum Sessions
The maximum number of sessions. The default is 4. You can modify this field.
Table 3-1. Input and Output Flow Control Choice Descriptions
XonXoff Software flow control by recognizing Xon and Xoff characters.
Hardware Flow control delegated to the lower level (i.e., a parallel port).
CtsRts Clear to Send and Request to Send. Specific to RS-232-like ports.
DtsDtr Data Terminal Send and Data Terminal Ready. Specific to RS-232-
like ports.
None No flow control at this level or below.