
9030981 E5 Configuration View
ETSMIM Device Configuration View
counter that may be zeroed. Examples of counters not zeroed are Ethernet
interface counters or port counters.
This field provides a button that allows you to choose how the system resets
its software to initial load values, usually by reloading. If conditional
execution is selected, the initialization takes place only if the overall system
state is acceptable (e.g., when there is no need to store permanent
parameters). If unconditional execution is selected, the initialization takes
place regardless of the overall system state. Cancel aborts an initialization
that has not yet started.
The number of minutes to delay before beginning the system initialization
process. The default value is 1.
This field provides a button that allows you to reboot.
Click on this button for access to the Parameter Server Configuration view.
Click on this button for access to the SNMP Parameters view.
Click on this button for access to the Domain Name Server Parameters view.
Click on this button to access the Queue Parameters view.
Rotary Table View
This window displays the rotary table. Double-click on any entry within the
table to access the Rotary Detail view for that entry. The detail view provides
more detailed information than the Rotary Table view. These fields are
described below.
Rotary Detail View
The status of this entry. Setting the value to Invalid invalidates the entry.
Parameter Server
SNMP Parameters
DNS Parameters
Queue Parameters