
9030981 E5 Configuration View
ETSMIM Device Configuration View
Primary Server
The domain name of the first Kerberos server to try when the system verifies
a Kerberos ID. You can modify this field.
Secondary Server
The domain name of the Kerberos server to try when the system verifies a
Kerberos ID and cannot reach the Kerberos primary server. You can modify
this field.
Logins without Kerberos
The number of user logins on ports for which Kerberos user verification is not
Successful Kerberos Logins
The number of successful user logins on ports for which Kerberos user
verification is permitted.
Unsuccessful Kerberos Logins
The number of verification failures due to an incorrect ID or password for
attempted user logins on ports for which Kerberos user verification is allowed.
Password Change Failures
The number of user failures to change their Kerberos password due to an
invalid old password or new password verification.
Master Access Successes
The number of times the system successfully accessed the Kerberos master
Master Access Failures
The number of times the system failed to access the Kerberos master host.
Primary Access Successes
The number of times the system successfully accessed the Kerberos primary
Primary Access Failures
The number of times the system failed to access the Kerberos primary server.
Secondary Access Successes
The number of times the system successfully accessed the Kerberos secondary
Secondary Access Failures
The number of times the system failed to access the Kerberos secondary
Last Kerberos Error
The error number of the most recent Kerberos-related failure.