
ETSMIM Device Configuration View
Configuration View ETSMIM
3-24 Management Module Guide
Script Server Configuration View
This window displays the Script Servers Panel. Double-click on any entry
within the panel to access the detail view for that entry. The detail view
includes more detailed information than the table in a modifiable format.
Following are the field descriptions:
Script Server Detail View
Server Name
The name of a network login server, suitable for resolution to a network
Server Path
The full path name to the script file that is identified by the user name.
Entry Status
This field provides a button that allows you to choose the status of this entry.
When set to Invalid, the entry is deleted.
Internet Security Configuration View
This window displays the Internet Port Security Panel. Double-click on any
entry within the panel to access the detail view for that entry. The detail view
includes the fields appearing in the panel in a modifiable format. Following
are the field descriptions:
Internet Security Detail View
The numeric identifier for port security entries.
This field provides a button that allows you to choose the status of this entry.
Options are Valid or Invalid.
The IP address of the entry.
The mask applied to the entry’s address when making a security check based
on an entry.
The access to the port for TCP connections when making a security check
based on this entry.