
9030981 E5 Configuration View
ETSMIM Device Configuration View
Telnet Configuration View
The direction of TCP connections of this entry.
Telnet Configuration View
This window displays the Telnet Configuration Table. Double-click on any
entry within the table to access the detail view for that entry. The detail view
includes the information appearing in the table in a modifiable format.
Following are the field descriptions:
Telnet Port Detail View
Telnet Port
An index value that uniquely identifies a port.
Terminal Type
The type of terminal character string used for Telnet Negotiations. You can
modify this field.
Binary Session Mode
This field provides a button that allows you to control the operation of the
Telnet binary mode. The choices are FlowControl, Complete, or Disabled. Bit
sequences are used to temporarily start or stop a bit stream (i.e., flow control).
For these bit sequences to work, the sender and the receiver must agree on
what the bit sequences are and search the bit stream for those control
sequences. The Binary Session Mode turns on/off the searches for flow control
characters when the telnet session is in binary mode. Disabled indicates that
binary mode negotiation is to be refused. Flow Control indicates that all
characters except XON and XOFF are allowed through. Complete indicates
that all characters are allowed through.
Transmit Mode
This field provides a button that allows you to choose Buffered, Immediate or
Timed mode for sending to the remote partner those characters that are
received from the character port. Immediate transmit mode indicates that the
server will send each character as soon as possible after it is typed at the
keyboard. Buffered transmit mode indicates that the server will not transmit
characters typed at the keyboard until a control character is typed at the
keyboard. Timed transmit mode indicates that the server will wait until the
user-defined maximum amount of time, specified as a number of characters,
before transmitting data.
CSI Escape
This field provides a button that allows you to enable or disable the
translation of 8-bit escape sequences received from the character port to 7-bit
equivalents before transmission to the remote partner.