User`s guide

Step 2: Integrating SpectroRx and AlarmNotifier
Intelligent Monitoring and Control SpectroRx (SPECTRUM Resolution Expert)
7-4 User’s Guide 5.0rev1
Step 2: Integrating SpectroRx and
The second step in creating automated alarm resolutions is to integrate
SpectroRX software with the AlarmNotifier software. Though this section
explains how to do this, you should see the AlarmNotifier Users Guide and
the SPECTRUM Guide to Integrating Applications for further details.
A Summary of How It’s Done
Whenever SPECTRUM detects an alarm on the network, the AlarmNotifier
executes a script named SetScript. Figure 7-2 shows a portion of the SetScript
file that is shipped with the AlarmNotifier.
Figure 7-2. A Portion of the SetScript File
echo " "
echo "Alarm Notification from SPECTRUM"
echo " "
echo "Alarm SET:"
echo ""
echo "Date: " $DATE
echo "Time: " $TIME
echo "Mtype: " $MTYPE
echo "ModelName: " $MNAME
echo "AlarmID: " $AID
echo "Condition: " $COND
echo "CauseCode: " $CAUSE
echo "RepairPerson: " $REPAIRPERSON
echo "AlarmStatus: " $STATUS
echo "SpectroSERVER: " $SERVER
echo "Landscape: " $LANDSCAPE
echo "ModelHandle: " $MHANDLE
echo "ModelTypeHandle: " $MTHANDLE
echo "IPAddress: " $IPADDRESS
echo "SecurityString: " $SECSTR
echo "AlarmState: " $ALARMSTATE
echo "Acknowledged: " $ACKD
echo "UserClearable: " $CLEARABLE
if [ "$SANM" ]
echo "Location: " $LOCATION
echo "AlarmAge: " $AGE
echo "NotificationData:" $NOTIFDATA
echo "ProbableCause: $PCAUSE"
echo "EventMessage: " $EVENTMSG