User`s guide

9031666 E9 What is SpectroRx?
The Alarm Resolution Process
The Alarm Resolution Process
What SPECTRUM does
SPECTRUM continuously interrogates the devices on the network, storing the
information about each device in the SpectroSERVER database. If
SPECTRUM detects certain alarm conditions, it generates an alarm for the
device. Although SPECTRUM itself provides symptoms and probable causes
whenever an alarm occurs, this text is proprietary and cannot evolve or
change to reflect your particular network. SpectroRx provides this problem-
solving functionality.
What SpectroRx does
SpectroRx uses a problem-solving technique called case-based reasoning to
organize the knowledge about network problems. A case consists of the alarm
resolution information that you enter and additional alarm information
provided by SPECTRUM. As you enter information about new alarms,
SpectroRx adds the case to its case library. When you request information
about solutions for a current alarm, SpectroRx finds the cases that are similar
to that alarm and sorts them according to their degree of similarity to the
alarm situation. The most similar case is displayed first, the least similar last.
You review these past cases and adapt the solutions to the current problem.
How you can use SpectroRx to manage fault resolution
Developing cases for the case library and finding cases in the library are the
two basic tasks that you perform with SpectroRx.
To develop the SpectroRx case library, you can first automatically create a
seed library which SpectroRx creates based on the devices your system
manages. However, to make the case library most useful to you, you should
enter information about your alarm resolutions, as you resolve them, in the
SpectroRx window. Each experience that you record and save is defined as a
“case. As the case library grows, the more finely tuned and useful SpectroRx
On a day-to-day basis, you can find cases from SpectroRx whenever alarms
occur. SpectroRx evaluates the cases in the case library and then finds the
cases that are similar to the current alarm. Depending on your request, there
may be one or many cases for you to review. Some cases may even specify
executable solutions that you can apply directly from the application.
Once a robust case library is established, SpectroRx provides you with a
comprehensive and flexible mechanism to develop solutions to problems and
manage the fault resolution process.
Figure 1-1 illustrates the SpectroRx workflow process.