
9031035 E4
Chapter 7
FDDI Application
What Is in This Chapter
This chapter describes the FDDI Application for Ungermann Bass Hubs.
FDDI Application
The FDDI Application provides two application-specific views, listed below:
FDDI Port Configuration View
FDDI Card Performance View
You can open additional informational views by clicking on column entries
within the FDDI Port Configuration or Card Performance Tables. The FDDI
Port Configuration and Card Performance Views are discussed below:
FDDI Port Configuration View
Select Port Config from the FDDI Application icon Subviews menu to open
the FDDI Port Configuration View, which includes the Configuration Table
with FDDI port statistics.
The FDDI port slot ID.
The type that this port identifies itself as, during R_Val(1,2).
The type that this port identifies itself as, during PC_Signalling.