
9031035 E4
Chapter 9
Event and Alarm Messages
What Is in This Chapter
This chapter describes the types of events generated by Ungermann Bass Hub
devices. Additionally, it notes if an event is also mapped to an identical alarm
message and provides any probable cause messages corresponding to these
Events and alarms originate as generic Simple Network Management
Protocol (SNMP) traps sent from the physical hub device. These traps, or
solicited messages, are translated as SPECTRUM events and are displayed in
the Event Log. For more information on specific traps generated by each
device, refer to RFC 1066 which is available through the Internet system. Also
refer to the MIB (Management Information Base) documentation for each
specific hub.
For each event/alarm listed in this appendix the following information is
•The event code
The event/alarm message
Any probable cause message for the mapped alarm
Any recommended actions
When variable data is inserted in a message, it is indicated by the following
brackets {}.