
9031035 E4
Chapter 1
What Is in This Chapter
This chapter describes the SPECTRUM Management Module for Ungermann
Bass Hubs. It also provides the model type name(s) assigned to the
Ungermann Bass Hub(s) in SPECTRUM. The model type name refers to the
template used to specify device attributes, actions, and associations for device
models in SPECTRUM.
Ungermann Bass Hub Model Types
Table 1-1 lists the model types for the 2, 5, and 11-slot Access/One hubs. For
this release of SPECTRUM, the Ungermann Bass Hub Management Module
supports the intelligent hub MIM devices listed. A brief description follows the
model type name. In SPECTRUM, the model type name appears in a text
label at the bottom of the Ungermann Bass Hub icon. The Virtual Network
Machine (VNM) supplies the model type name.
Table 1-1. Model Type Description
Model Type UB Supervisor Type Description
HubUB700 SUPRV-700 ASM-700 Supervisor Ethernet
HubUB700s_au AUSUP-700S ASM-700S Supervisor AUI for 2-slot