
9031035 E4
Chapter 2
Device View
What Is in This Chapter
This chapter describes the Device View for the Ungermann Bass Hub
Management Module.
The Device View for the Ungermann Bass Hub provides two device-specific
informational views; the Chassis Device View and the Interface Device View.
Each device View gives an actual representation of the Ungermann Bass
Hub’s configuration and also provides you with menu bar access to the views
that manage and control the Ungermann Bass Hub, its modules, and the
modules’ ports. If the configuration changes, the corresponding change(s) is
The Chassis Device View allows you to view the logical representations of the
Ungermann Bass Hub’s ports. Figure 2-1 shows an example of the
Ungermann Bass Hub Chassis Device View.
The Interface Device View provides configuration and performance
information for the Ungermann Bass Hub. If the configuration changes, you
see the corresponding change within this view after the model's next polling