
9031035 E4 Device View
Chassis Device View
Ethernet Logical Module Representation
Ethernet Logical Module Details
A description of each Ethernet Logical Module Icon block row is listed below:
Module Number
The number of the slot that the module is connected to.
Module Type
The type of module in this slot.
You may view the Ethernet Logical Module menu choices by double-clicking
the right mouse button on the previously selected (highlighted) block.
Table 2-1 describes the subview menu choices for the Ethernet Logical Module
Table 2-1. Ethernet Logical Module Menu Choices
Menu Selection Description
Navigate Opens the Navigator submenu, which allows you to select
one of two possible navigational choices. For more
information on the Navigator submenu, refer to Chapter
4 in SPECTRUM Views.
Alarms Opens the SPECTRUM Alarms View containing alarms
(if any) for the port.
Notes... Opens the Ethernet Model Notes View.
Utilities (if supported) Opens the Utilities submenu, which allows you to access
any utilities you have purchased for use with
SPECTRUM, such as SPMA Applications, PathView,
SpectroWATCH, or SpectroGAURD.
Module Notes Opens the Notes for GnModule of type GnModule View.
Module Configuration Opens the Ethernet Cluster Configuration View.
The Navigate, Utilities, Notes..., Events, and Alarms menu choices display in
every logical module icon and port icon subviews menu selection.