
9031035 E4 Device View
Chassis Device View
TR Tier Logical Module Representation
TR Tier Logical Module Details
The TR Tier Logical Module icon provides access to the following information:
Module ID
The number of the slot that the module is connected to. Click this block to
access the Port Notes View.
Module Type
The TR Tier module type.
Table 2-3 describes the TR Tier Logical Module Icon application-specific menu
TR Tier Port Icon Details
You can access the Port Icon Menu by double-clicking the right mouse button
on a port or by clicking on a port and selecting Icon Subviews from the View
menu. Table 2-4 describes the Port Icon application-specific menu choices.
Table 2-3. Token Ring Logical Module Icon Menu
Menu Selection Description
Module Notes Opens the Notes for GnModule of type GnModule View.
Module Configuration Opens the Token Ring Concentrator Card Information
Module Performance Opens the Token Ring Concentrator Card Performance
Module Diagnostics Opens the Token Ring Concentrator Card Diagnostics View.
Table 2-4. TR Tier Port Icon Menu
Menu Selection Description
Port Notes Opens the Port Notes View.
Tier 1 Port Config Opens the TR Tier Port Information View, for basic
insertion state statistics.
Tier 23 Port Config Opens the TR Tier Port Information View with additional
operational and receive/transmit information.
Port Performance Opens the TR Tier Port Information View.