
9031035 E4 Configuration Views
Device Configuration View
Device Configuration View
on any column entry for a particular port brings up an Interface Configuration
View for that port. This view provides the same information as the table but in
a different format.)
The port number on the Ungermann Bass hub is displayed.
A textual description of the interface including the name of the manufacturer,
the product name, and version number of the hardware interface is displayed.
The type of interface for the port, distinguished according to the physical/link/
network protocol(s) immediately below IP in the protocol stack, is displayed.
Possible interface types and a brief description of each type are shown in
Table 3-1.
Table 3-1. Ungermann Bass Hub Interface Types
Interface Type Description
other None of the following
regular Regular 1822
hdh1822 HDLC Distant host protocol
ddn-x25 Defense Data Network X25
rfc877-x25 RFC877 X25
ethernet-csmacd Ethernet CSMA/CD
iso88023-csmacd ISO CSMA/CD
iso88024-tokenBus ISO Token Bus
iso88025-tokenRing ISO Token Ring
iso88026-man ISO man
starLan StarLAN IEEE802.3
proteon-10MBit ProNET 10Mbps
proteon-80MBit ProNET 80Mbps
hyperchannel Hyperchannel
fddi Fiber Distributed Data Interface
lapb X25 Line Access Procedure,
sdlc IBM Synchronous Data Link
Control protocol
t1-carrier T1 link (USA + Japan)