
Device Configuration View
Configuration Views Ungermann Bass Hub
3-4 Management Module Guide
The estimated bandwidth of the port measured in bits per second. For
interfaces that do not vary in bandwidth, or when no accurate estimate can be
made, a nominal bandwidth is provided.
Physical Address
The Ethernet (MAC) address of the port is displayed.
Operation Status
The current operational state of the port: On (ready to send packets), Off
(down), or Testing (in test mode: no operational packets can be passed).
Admin Status
You can set the desired operational state of the port to On.
Last Change
The System UpTime value when the port entered its current operational
Queue Length
The length of the outbound packet queue in packets.
Packet Size
The largest Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) that can be transmitted or
received by the port (measured in octets) is displayed.
Click the IF Address Translation button in the Device Configuration View
to access the Interface Address Translation Table.
This table cross-references device IP addresses to device MAC (Ethernet)
addresses for selected nodes between networks. The read-only fields in the
Interface Address Translation Table are described below:
Interface Index
A unique value for each interface. Its value ranges between 1 and the value of
ifnumber. The value 0 for each interface must remain constant at least from
one reinitialization of the entity’s network management system to the next re-
cept T1 link (Europe)
basic Isdn Basic Integrated Services Digital
primary Isdn Proprietary Integrated Services
Digital Network
propPointToPointSerial Proprietary Point to Point Serial
Table 3-1. Ungermann Bass Hub Interface Types (Continued)
IF Address