
9031035 E4
Chapter 4
Ethernet Applications
What Is in This Chapter
This chapter discusses the Ethernet applications for the Ungermann Bass
Hub management module.
The Ethernet applications described in this chapter include the Basic Ether
applications and the Ether Conc applications. The Basic Ether applications
are discussed next, under Ethernet Applications, followed by a description of
the Ether Conc applications under Other Ethernet Applications.
Ethernet Applications
The Ethernet applications supported by the Ungermann Bass Hub are listed
as follows:
•Basic Ether
•EWA Monitor
Monitor Ether
The supported cards for the Basic Ethernet are the ECM -320 -1, -2, -3, ECM -
324 -2, and -3.
Each application is discussed in this chapter, along with each of the three
application’s sub-applications and associated fields.