
9031035 E4 Ethernet Applications
Ethernet Applications
Basic Ether Application
Cluster Configuration View
Double-clicking any entry in the Access/One Hub Cluster Concentration View
provides the following product ID and hub reset information:
Slot ID
The card’s relative position in the hub starting at 1.
Hub ID
A unique identifier within the hub enclosure of the hub cluster, representing
the set of cards in an Access/One enclosure that constitutes a single repeater.
Product ID
A string of ASCII characters representing the concentrators product
A unique string for a specific manufacturers product ID that identifies a
concentrators hardware or firmware version.
Group Capacity
The number of cards that can potentially be contained within a hub cluster.
Group Map
A bit string that indicates which enclosure slots are currently occupied by
groups from this hub. The first bit (starting from the left) corresponds to the
first relative slot. A “1” indicates a slot is occupied by a group that is part of
this hub.
Indicates whether there is a known operational failure or problem in the hub.
A description of the operational states is described in Table 4-1.
Table 4-1. Hub Operational States
Health State Description
other Undefined or unknown.
Ok No known failures or problems.
hubFailure Failure affecting all groups.
groupFailure Failure affecting all ports on one group.
portFailure Failure of one or more but not all ports in a
generalFailure Some other failure or problem not covered