
Token Ring Applications
Token Ring Tier 2,3 Table
Token Ring and TR Tier Applications Ungermann Bass Hub
6-6 Management Module Guide
Contains the relative slot within the hub enclosure starting at 1.
The relative port on the card starting at 1. Ports rs1-12 are ring station ports;
rs13 is the expansion in port; and rs14 is the expansion out port.
Insertion State
The end result of the field states AllowInsert, ForcedInsert, and
PhantomState. States are notApplicable, inserted, and bypassed.
Allow Insert
An action that allows a port to insert onto its ring if both phantom voltages
are present. States are notApplicable, not Allowed, and Allowed.
Forced Insert
The resulting condition if forcedInsertion forces a port to insert onto its ring,
regardless of whether phantom voltage or other conditions are detected.
States are notApplicable, noForcedInsertion, and forcedInsertion.
Phantom State
The status of the phantom voltage provided by the port. States are
notApplicable, phantomPresent, phantomAbsent, and wiringFault.
You may click any column entry to open the Token Ring Information View.
This view provides similar fields to the Tier1 Table, but allows you to change
the Allow Insert and Forced Insert fields.
Token Ring Port Information View
You may access the Token Ring Port Information View by clicking any column
entry in the Tier 2,3 Configuration Table.
Token Ring Tier 2,3 Table
The Token Ring Tier2,3 Configuration Table provides information about the
Token Ring concentrator card and can be accessed by selecting Tier 2,3 Port
Info from the TR Tier application Icon Subviews menu. The Token Ring Tier
2, 3 Table fields are described below:
A value representing the slot position of the module in the enclosure starting
at 1.
The relative port on the card starting at 1.