
9031035 E4 Token Ring and TR Tier Applications
Token Ring Applications
Token Ring Tier 2,3 Table
Operational Status
Indicates if a hard failure has occurred on a port, has been detected through
the beaconing procedure, and the offending port subsequently bypassed in the
Beacon Detects
The number of beacon detects that have resulted in this port being partitioned
or removed from its ring.
Last Source Address
Address of previously attached node.
Last Changed
Time since the value of Last Source Address last changed.
You can double-click any column entry to access the Token Ring Port
Information View.
Token Ring Port Information View
The Token Ring Port Diagnostics View includes similar fields as the Tier 2,3
Configuration View and the following additional fields:
Insertion State
The end result of the field states AllowInsert, ForcedInsert, and
Allow Insert
An action that allows an rs port to insert onto its ring if both phantom
voltages are present.
Forced Insert
The resulting condition if forcedInsertion forces an RS port to insert onto its
ring, regardless of whether phantom voltage or other conditions are detected.
Phantom State
States are PhantomPresent and PhantomAbsent.