User Manual

Enterasys X-Pedition User Reference Manual 273
IGMP Overview
To configure the IGMP host membership query time interval, enter the following command in
Configure mode:
IGMP Response Wait Time
You can configure the XP with a wait time for IGMP Host Membership responses which is
different from the default. The wait time you set then applies to all ports on the XP. The default
response time is 10 seconds.
To configure the host response wait time, enter the following command in Configure mode:
Per-Interface Control of IGMP Membership
You can configure the XP to control IGMP membership on a per-interface basis. An interface can
be configured to be allowed or not allowed membership to a particular group. To configure the per-
interface membership control, enter the following commands in Configure mode:
Note: The XP will display interface names up to 32 characters in length.
Static IGMP Groups
If IGMP is enabled on an interface, at least one group member needs to be present on the interface
for the XP to retain the group on its list of multicast group memberships for the interface. You can
configure a static IGMP group for an interface; a static group can exist without any group members
present on the interface. To configure a static IGMP group on an interface, enter the following
command in Configure mode:
Note: The XP will display interface names up to 32 characters in length.
Configure the IGMP host membership
query time interval.
igmp set queryinterval <num>
Configure the IGMP host response wait
igmp set responsetime <num>
Allow a host group membership to
a specific group.
igmp set interface <name/ip-addr> allowed-groups <ip-
addr/subnet mask>
Disallow a host group member-
ship to a specific group.
igmp set interface <name/ip-addr> not-allowed-groups
<ip-addr/subnet mask>
Configure a static IGMP group on
an interface.
igmp join group <ip-addr/subnet mask> interface