User Manual

Forcing Flows through NAT
328 Enterasys X-Pedition User Reference Manual
Setting NAT Rules
You create NAT static bindings by entering the following command in Configure mode.
You create NAT dynamic bindings by entering the following command in Configure mode.
For dynamic address bindings, you define the address pools with previously-created ACLs. You
can also specify the enable-port-overload parameter to allow PAT.
Forcing Flows through NAT
If a host on the outside global network knows an inside local address, it can send a message directly
to the inside local address. By default, the XP will route the message to the destination. You can
force all flows between the inside local pool and the outside global network to be translated. This
prevents a host on the outside global network from being allowed to send messages directly to any
address in the local address pool. You may force address translation of all flows to and from the
inside local pool by entering the following command in Configure mode.
The XP's current ACL/NAT implementation does not make provisions for running standard or
PASV FTP sessions across a translated interface when only ports 20 (FTP data port) and 21 (FTP
control port) are open for communication. Because FTP will use other higher-numbered ports to
establish TCP sessions, FTP sessions established across a NAT-translated interface may hang if
these other TCP ports are not open for communication. In order to allow FTP to establish a TCP
session on higher-numbered ports, the NAT-associated ACL must be set up to allow incoming
traffic from any port. When running this configuration, it is suggested that NAT secure-plus is
Enable NAT with static address
nat create static protocol ip|tcp|udp local-ip <local-ip-
add/address range>
global-ip <global-ip-
add/address range>
[local-port <tcp/udp local-
any] [global-port <tcp/udp global-
Enable NAT with dynamic address
nat create dynamic local-acl-pool <local-acl> global-
[matches-interface <interface>] [enable-ip-
Force all flows to and from local
address pool to be translated.
nat set secure-plus on|off