User guide

900S Series Industrial Grade CFast Product Manual v2.0Cactus Technologies
Data Field Type Information
129 XX00H 2
Write Protect status:
Bit 15: Permanent write protect, out of spare blocks
Bit 14: Permanent write protect due to corrupted tables
Bit 13: read protection due to table corruption
Bit 9: Permanent write protect due to vendor command
Bit 8: Temporary write protect due to vendor command
130-133 aaaa 8 Firmware date string
134-135 XXXXH 4 Obsolete
136-141 aaaa 12 Firmware le name
142-147 aaaa 12 Preformat le name
148-153 aaaa 12 Anchor program le name
154-158 0000H 10 Reserved
159 A2XXH 2 Controller major and minor revisions
160 80FAH 2 CFA Power mode: no level 1, max. 250mA
161 8001H 2 CFast specic support: PHYSLP supported
162 0000H 2 CPRM not supported
163 0000H 2 CFA Advanced modes: not relevant for CFast
164 0000H 2 CFA Advnaced modes: not relevant for CFast
165-168 0000H 8 Reserved
169 0001H 2 TRIM bit in Data Set Management supported
170-216 0000H 94 Reserved
217 0001H 2 Solid State Device
218-221 0000H 8 Reserved
222 101FH 2 Transport major version: Serial ATA 2.6
223 FFFFH 2 Transport minor version not supported
224-254 0000H 62 Reserved
255 XXA5H 2 Integrity word