Owner's Manual

Four-Wheel-Drive Vehicles
Shifting the transfer case into NEUTRAL can
cause your vehicle to roll even if the transmission
is in PARK (P), for an automatic transmission.
You or others could be injured. Make sure the
parking brake is firmly set before you shift the
transfer case into NEUTRAL.
Use the following procedure to correctly tow your
vehicle on all four wheels:
1. Firmly set the parking brake.
2. Place the transmission in PARK (P).
3. Securely attach the vehicle being towed to the
tow vehicle.
4. With the engine running, shift the transfer case to
NEUTRAL. See “Four
-Wheel Drive” in the Index
for the proper procedure to select the neutral position
for your vehicle.
5. Release the parking brake only after the vehicle
being towed is firmly attached to the towing vehicle.
6. Turn the ignition to OFF. The OFF position
unlocks the steering column and reduces battery
drain. Unlocking the steering column will allow the
proper movement of the front wheels and tires
during towing.