User's Manual

Document type: Title: Revision date: Revision:
User's Manual (MUT) RFID Software User Interface 18/02/2006 1
set the notification on Local or Remote host: in the second case you have to enter
the host IP address
“Start” acquisition
The notification takes place on the RFID ServerConfiguration; after the first acquisition
the Reader waits for one “Delay time” period, then checks the status of the used input: if
it is high, then the second acquisition takes place, otherwise it is timed out; at this point
the Reader waits for another Delay time, then checks the status of the used input again.
If you wish to make a Timed Acquisition in TIME MODE:
choose “Timer” as trigger type in the drop down menu of the Asynchronous
Configuration which is started as Asynchronous Acquisition is selected.
set the timer period in “Delay time” field
set the notification on Local or Remote host: in the latter case you have to enter the
host IP address
“Start” acquisition
The notification takes place on the RFID Server window, which is shown either on the
Local host or on the Remote one. The status does not depend on the number of
performed cycles, but ONLY on the threshold values (see §
2.4); the “Delay time” must be
smaller than the thresholds.
If you wish to make an acquisition in NOEVENT MODE, simply :
set the timer period in “Delay time” field
set the notification on Local or Remote host: in the latter case you have to enter the
host IP address
“Start” acquisition
The notification takes place on the RFID Server window, which is shown either on the
Local host or on the Remote one, no status is notified.
2.6. Readout of one tag’s memory
Now the ISO18000-6B detected tags are ready for read/write operations. In case of
Timed, Continuous or I/O Acquisition it is necessary to stop scanning, by clicking on the
stop acquisition button. Now click on one of the tags’ Unique ID’s; then go to:
>Read/Write Tag Memory
The following window is shown:
Fig. 2.11 – Tags memory
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