User's Manual

Document type: Title: Revision date: Revision:
User's Manual (MUT) RFID Software User Interface 18/02/2006 1
Fig. 2.22 – Separation of 96 bit data structure for UCODE EPC 1.19
Fig. 2.23 – Mapping of 96 bit data structure into UCODE EPC 1.19 memory
2.12.2. EPC 1.19 Tag Data memory mapping (64 bit)
Fig. 2.24 – General structure of 64 bit EPC number
Fig. 2.25 – Separation of 64 bit data structure for UCODE EPC 1.19
Fig. 2.26 – Mapping of 64 bit data structure into UCODE EPC 1.19 memory
NPO: Filename: Number of pages: Page:
00117/03:Demox.MUTx/01 RFIDDEMO_REV1.DOC 27 18