User's Manual

CAEN RFID API Reference Manual
GetSourceNames Method
This method gets the names of the logical sources available in the reader.
Return value:
An array containing the logical source names available in the reader.
C# representation:
public static string[] GetSourceNames()
JAVA representation:
public static java.lang.String[] GetSourceNames()
C representation:
CAENRFIDErrorCodes CAENRFID_GetSourceNames(
CAENRFIDHandle handle,
char **SrcNames[],
int *SrcNumber);
GetSources Method
This method gets the CAENRFIDLogicalSource objects available on the reader.
Return value:
An array of the logical source objects available in the Reader.
C# representation:
public CAENRFIDLogicalSource[] GetSources()
JAVA representation:
public CAENRFIDLogicalSource[] GetSources()
This function does not exist in C language, see § Overview on SDK pag. 7 for more informations.
InventoryAbort Method
For the description of this method, see § Event Handling pag.108.