User's Manual

CAEN RFID API Reference Manual
Depending on the air protocol setting it will execute the appropriate anticollision algorithm. This version of the method
permits to specify a bitmask for filtering tag's populations as described by the EPC Class1 Gen2 (ISO18000-6C) air
protocol. The filtering will be performend on the memory bank specified by bank parameter, starting at the bit
indicated by the Position index and for a MaskLength length. The method will return only the tags that match the given
Mask. Passing a zero value for MaskLength it performs as the non-filtering InventoryTag method. The Flags parameter
permits to set InventoryTag method's options.In this case bit 1 and 2 of the flag (continuos and framed mode) are
Flag value meaning
Bit 0
RSSI: a 1 value indicates that the reader will transmit the RSSI (Return Signal Strength Indicator) in the
Bit 1
Framed data: a 1 value indicates that the tag's data will be transmitted by the reader to the PC as soon
as the tag is detected, a 0 value means that all the tags detected are buffered in the reader and
trasmitted all together at the end of the inventory cycle.
Bit 2
Continuous acquisition: a 1 value indicates that the inventory cycle is repeated by the reader depending
on the SetReadCycle setting value, a 0 value means that only one inventory cycle will be performed. If
the continuous mode is selected a 0 value in the ReadCycle setting will instruct the reader to repeat the
inventory cycle until an InventoryAbort method is invoked, a value X different from 0 means that the
inventory cycle will be performed X times by the reader.
Bit 3
Compact data: a 1 value indicates that only the EPC of the tag will be returned by the reader, a 0 value
indicates that the complete data will be returned. In case that the compact option is enabled all the
other data will be populated by this library with fakes values.
Bit 4
TID reading: a 1 value indicates that also the TID of the tag will be returned by the reader together with
the other information.
Bit 5
Event trigger: when this flag is set together with the continuous acquisition flag, the inventory cycle is
performed in the same way of the continuous mode with the only difference that the inventory
command is sent only by pressing the left key of the A828BT reader.
Bit 6
XPC: a 1 value allows the reader to get the XPC word if backscattered by a tag.Tags that do not
backscatter the XPC words will return an XPC array with all the 4 bytes set to 0
Bit 7
Match tag: a 1 value enables the matching of readed tags with a tag present in the memory (A828BT
reader only).
Bit 8
PC: a 1 value allows the reader to return the PC of a Gen2 tag in addition to the ID (A828BT reader only).
The function permits to free the allocated memory by CAENRFID_InventoryTag.
Unlike the C#/Java languages where objects are automatically destroyed by the Runtime Environment, in C language it
is necessary to esplicitly deallocate the memory allocated by the identified tags. To do that, the FreeTagsMemory
function is available, passing the pointer to the identified tags list.
tags array returned by one of the inventory family function.
C representation:
void CAENRFID_FreeTagsMemory(
CAENRFIDTag **Tags);