User's Manual

CAENRFIDPort Enumeration
The CAENRFIDPort Enumeration gives a list of the communication ports supported by the CAEN RFID readers.
C# representation:
public enum CAENRFIDPort
Java and Android representation:
public final class CAENRFIDPort
C representation:
typedef enum CAENRFIDPort;
In order to align the three libraries, the members name in C language have changed, now reporting the CAENRFID_
suffix, but the value of the members is the same of the previous library version.
In the following table, the CAENRFIDPort Enumeration members are listed:
Member Description
CAENRFID_RS232 Serial port communication link.
CAENRFID_TCP TCP/IP network communication link.
CAENRFID_USB USB communication link.
CAENRFIDProtocol Enumeration
The CAENRFIDProtocol Enumeration gives a list of the air protocol supported by the CAEN RFID readers.
C# representation:
public enum CAENRFIDProtocol
Java and Android representation:
public final class CAENRFIDProtocol
C representation:
typedef enum CAENRFIDProtocol;
In order to align the three libraries, the members name in C language have changed, now reporting the CAENRFID_
suffix, but the value of the members is the same of the previous library version.
In the following table, the CAENRFIDProtocol Enumeration members are listed:
Member Description
CAENRFID_ISO18000_6b ISO18000-6B air protocol.
CAENRFID_EPC119 EPC 1.19 air protocol.
CAENRFID_EPC_C1G1 EPCGlobal Class1 Gen1 air protocol.
CAENRFID_ISO18000_6a ISO18000-6A air protocol.
CAENRFID_EPC_C1G2 EPCGlobal Class1 Gen2 (aka ISO18000-6C) air protocol.
This value permits to use all the supported air protocol at the same time. Suggested
setting only for demo purposes.
CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 107