User's Manual

CAENRFIDRS232Constants Enumeration
The CAENRFIDRS232Constants gives a list of settings for the serial port configuration.
C# representation:
public enum CAENRFIDRS232Constants
Java and Android representation:
public final class CAENRFIDRS232Constants
C representation:
typedef enum CAENRFID_RS232_Parity;
typedef enum CAENRFID_RS232_FlowControl;
In the following table, the CAENRFIDRS232Constants Enumeration members are listed:
Member Description
CAENRS232_Parity_None No parity bit is sent at all.
CAENRS232_Parity_Odd Odd parity.
CAENRS232_Parity_Even Even parity.
CAENRFID_RS232_FlowControl_XonXoff Software flow control.
CAENRFID_RS232_FlowControl_Hardware Hardware flow control.
CAENRFID_RS232_FlowControl_None No flow control.
CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual110