User's Manual

CustomCommand_EPC_C1G2 Method
CustomCommand_EPC_C1G2 Method (CAENRFIDTag, Byte, Int16, Byte[], Int16)
This method can be used to issue a generic Custom command as defined by the EPC Class1 Gen2 protocol specification.
The parameters are used to specify the type of the custom command and its parameters.
Name Description
Tag The CAENRFIDTag object representing the tag to which send the Custom command.
SubCmd The SubCommand field of the Custom command.
TxLen The length of the data to be sent to the tag.
Data The data to be sent to the tag.
RxLen The length of the data to be received by the tag.
Return value:
An array of bytes representing the reply from the tag as specified by the custom command.
C# representation:
public byte[] CustomCommand_EPC_C1G2(
byte SubCmd,
short TxLen,
byte[] Data,
short RxLen)
Java and Android representation:
public byte[] CustomCommand_EPC_C1G2(
byte SubCmd,
short TxLen,
byte[] Data,
short RxLen)
throws CAENRFIDException
C representation:
CAENRFIDErrorCodes CAENRFID_CustomCommand_EPC_C1G2(
CAENRFIDHandle handle,
unsigned char SubCmd,
int TxLen,
void *Data,
int RxLen,
void *TRData);
CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual22