User's Manual

GetBufferedData Method
This method returns all the Tags stored in reader's buffer using all the ReadPoints belonging to the Source. Only on
A828BT reader.
Return value:
An array of CAENRFIDTag objects detected.
C# representation:
public CAENRFIDTag[] GetBufferedData()
Java and Android representation:
public CAENRFIDTag[] GetBufferedData()
throws CAENRFIDException
C representation:
CAENRFIDErrorCodes CAENRFID_GetBufferedData(
CAENRFIDHandle handle,
char *source,
CAENRFIDTag **Receive,
int *Size);
GetDESB_ISO180006B Method
This method can be used to retrieve the Data Exchange Status Bit setting (see ISO18000-6B protocol specification) used
by the anticollision algorithm when called on this logical source.
Return value:
The current DESB setting value.
C# representation:
public CAENRFIDLogicalSourceConstants GetDESB_ISO180006B()
Java and Android representation:
public CAENRFIDLogicalSourceConstants GetDESB_ISO180006B()
throws CAENRFIDException
C representation:
CAENRFIDErrorCodes GetDESB_ISO180006B(
CAENRFIDHandle handle,
unsigned short *Status);
CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual24