User's Manual

GetProtocol Method
This method gets the current air protocol of the Reader.
Return value:
A CAENRFIDProtocol representing the current air protocol set on the reader.
C# representation:
public CAENRFIDProtocol GetProtocol()
Java and Android representation:
public CAENRFIDProtocol GetProtocol()
throws CAENRFIDException
C representation:
CAENRFIDErrorCodes CAENRFID_GetProtocol(
CAENRFIDHandle handle,
CAENRFIDProtocol *Protocol);
GetReaderInfo Method
This method permits to read the reader information loaded into the device.
Return value:
The reader information of the device.
C# representation:
public CAENRFIDReaderInfo GetReaderInfo()
Java and Android representation:
public CAENRFIDReaderInfo GetReaderInfo()
throws CAENRFIDException
C representation:
CAENRFIDErrorCodes CAENRFID_GetReaderInfo(
CAENRFIDHandle handle,
char *Model,
char *SerialNum);
CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 81