User's Manual

GetReadPoints Method
This method gets the names of the read points (antennas) available in the reader.
Return value:
An array containing the read points (antennas) names available in the reader.
C# representation:
public string[] GetReadPoints()
Java and Android representation:
public java.lang.String[] GetReadPoints()
C representation:
CAENRFIDErrorCodes CAENRFID_GetReadPoints(
CAENRFIDHandle handle,
char **AntNames [],
int *AntNumber);
GetReadPointStatus Method
This method gets the CAENRFIDReadPointStatus object representing the status of a read point (antenna).
Name Description
ReadPoint The name of the read point to check.
Return value:
The CAENRFIDReadPointStatus object rapresenting the current status of the read point.
C# representation:
public CAENRFIDReadPointStatus GetReadPointStatus(
string ReadPoint)
Java and Android representation:
public CAENRFIDReadPointStatus GetReadPointStatus(
java.lang.String ReadPoint)
throws CAENRFIDException
C representation:
CAENRFIDErrorCodes CAENRFID_GetReadPointStatus(
CAENRFIDHandle handle,
char *ReadPoint,
CAENRFIDReadPointStatus *Status);
CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual82