Reference Guide

Setting up control surfaces
External devices
Control surface refresh rate
Control surfaces are refreshed by posting a windows message every 75 milliseconds.
CtrlSurfaceRefreshMS=<50 - 5000> (default=75)
You may want to increase the value of this Cakewalk.ini variable if you are experiencing sluggish
UI responsiveness when using a control surface and playing back high CPU projects.
Also, if you are using a control surface that is not bi-directional, the surface does not need to be
refreshed at all and you can safely increase the value.
This variable should be set in the [Wincake] section. For example:
“ACT MIDI Controller plug-in” on page 1218
“Cakewalk Generic Surface plug-in” on page 1221
“The WAI display” on page 1232
“ACT” on page 1234