Reference Guide

144 Tutorial 6 – Editing your music
Let's start by opening the tutorial project Cakewalk Audio Demo.cwb that we used in earlier
One of the most important things to understand in order to edit your music successfully is selection.
Once you become familiar with selecting, the rest is easy. There are two aspects of selection:
Time Range
Let's say you'd like to delete the second measure of a certain track. The time range specifies that the
edit will need to occur between measures 2 and 3. The track selection specifies what track's clips will
be deleted, while leaving its surrounding tracks unchanged.
In order to edit clips, you must set the track’s Edit Filter control to Clips.
Figure 23. Assign the track’s Edit Filter to Clips in order to edit clips with the global tools.
Let's explore some different ways to do this in a sample project. All of the tools described are
available in the Tools module in the Control Bar. For a complete description of each tool in the Tools
module, see “Tools” on page 407.
Figure 24. The Tools module.
Method 1:
1. Select the track that you want to delete measure two from. For this tutorial, let’s use the track
named GTR_Lead 1.
Note: If you would like to try both of the following methods, select Edit > Undo after completing
the first method. Doing so will revert the project to its previous state.
Click in the Tracks pane on the left, not the Clips pane on the right.