Reference Guide

Beginner’s guide to Cakewalk software
MIDI files, projects, tracks, and clips
In Cakewalk programs, the file that you use to store usually a single song’s data is called a project.
This is the file you use to record, play back, and edit your song. The file extension for a project is
.wrk in older Cakewalk programs and .cwp in newer ones. Projects that use only the MIDI format (no
digital audio) can be saved in a format called a Standard MIDI File, and can then be played back in
any program or machine that plays MIDI files. These files have the extension .mid.
The MIDI messages within a project are usually separated into smaller containers called tracks, and
even smaller containers called clips, which are sections of a track. You usually use tracks to
separate the MIDI messages that are intended to play one kind of sound from the MIDI messages
that play other sounds. You usually assign each track to its own MIDI channel. A typical MIDI project
might have separate tracks for drums, bass, and piano. In this example, you might assign the bass
track to Channel 2, and the piano track to Channel 5. Then you would set your MIDI sound module
to play a bass sound on Channel 2, and a piano sound on Channel 5. Instead of manually setting
your MIDI modules to play these sounds, you can send Program Change messages to tell your
sound module what sounds to play on what channels (see “Controlling which sounds you hear” on
page 1547). You usually assign drum tracks to Channel 10. Because you stored the MIDI messages
that are assigned to each sound on separate tracks, you can then control and edit the stored MIDI
messages that go to one sound without changing the messages that are sent to other sounds.
Figure 456. Track view
A. Tracks 1 through 6 B. Buses C. Track pane D. MIDI messages recorded in Tracks 3,4, and 5 E. Clips pane
F. Vertical Zoom fader—drag to change track height
Notice that when you record any data into a track, that SONAR displays a visual representation of
the track’s data in the Clips pane. In the above picture, Tracks 1, 2, and 6 are still empty, while