Reference Guide

Waveform preview for buses and synth tracks
Waveform preview for buses and synth tracks
You can choose to display a waveform for the audio output of a bus or synth track. When you enable
the display function, the amplitude of a bus’ or synth track’s audio signal is graphed in real time as a
waveform. The waveform turns red wherever clipping is occurring. Waveform preview allows you to
visualize a mix and verify levels over the duration of a project, easily detecting peaks and other level
problems that may require attention. You can choose to display Peak Markers if you want to (see
“Peak markers” on page 856 for more information). If you change the volume of the audio signal and
replay the project, the waveform changes to reflect the new bus or synth track volume.
Each bus or synth track has a Waveform Preview button , which allows you to enable/disable
waveforms display on an individual basis. By default, each button is turned off.
You can change the color of the waveform preview by choosing a color for Waveform Preview in
Edit > Preferences > Customization - Colors.
To enable/disable waveform preview on a bus or synth track
For buses, find the desired bus in the Bus pane of the Track view, and click the bus’ Waveform
Preview button .
For synth tracks, find the desired synth track in the Track view, and click the track’s Waveform
Preview button .
A. Waveform Preview button in Track view B. Waveform Preview