Operating Manual

© CalAmp Sentry 4G-900 pico Base Station 16 Backbone Configuration
3.4 ASN-GW Mode: ASN Settings
When the Base Station is in ASN-GW mode, it is required to define the backbone ASN-GW
parameters. These include the ASN-GW IP address, tunneling method (between the Base
Station and the ASN-GW), and the Base Station  ASN keep-alive intervals.
3.4.1 ASN-GW Link Settings
This pane provides configuration options for the ASN-GW IP and R6 parameters.
To access the ASN-GW Settings pane
1. Click the Backbone menu option and choose ASN Settings and then ASN-GW Settings
from the sub-menus. The ASN-GW settings pane is displayed.
2. Define the required parameters according to the following descriptions and click Apply.
IP address to be used after configuration flashing or reboot.
Current R6
Type of R6 tunneling used between the Base Station and the ASN-GW
(e.g. CiscoXXXXXX)
3. If the IP address has been configured, restart the service for the changes to be applied.