Operating Manual

© CalAmp Sentry 4G-900 pico Base Station 17 Backbone Configuration
3.4.2 Keep Alive Settings
This pane provides configuration options for the keep-alive messages intervals and retries
To access the Keep Alive Settings pane
1. Click the Backbone menu option and choose ASN Settings and then Keep Alive Settings
from the sub-menus. The Keep Alive settings pane is displayed.
2. Define the required parameters according to the following descriptions and click Apply.
Keep Alive timeout
(10000..180000) [µs]
This value indicates the time interval (in µSec) that a Base Station
waits for the keep-alive response before keep-alive request re-
Keep Alive Retries (1..10)
Max number of keep-alive re-transmissions
Keep Alive Activation
Enable / Disable Keep Alive activation.
Values: [True, False]
3. If the Keep Alive Activation Mode has been configured, reboot the Base Station for the
changes to be applied.