User's Manual

Integra-TR User Manual Page | 25
The Integra-TR Field Programming Software is the programming and diagnostics software for the Integra-TR wireless
modem. The Field Programming Software allows the user to edit and program user programmable settings, interactively
tune modem and RF parameters, and monitor diagnostic data from the Integra-TR. See Figure 15 for the Integra-TR Field
Programming Software startup screen.
This manual assumes the Field Programming Software has been installed on the user’s PC with at least one operational
serial COM Port available.
The Setup Modem/Radio Parameters screen is accessed from the Edit menu pull-down or from the Parms icon when the
tool bar is visible.
Figure 16 - Setup Modem/Radio Parameters Screen MODEM OPERATING PARAMETERS
Setup Modem/Radio Parameters allows the user to view and edit Integra-TR’s programmable parameters. Programming
parameters can be stored in a data file with the .DAT file extension. Programmable parameters are used by the
Read/Program Parameters screen for programming into nonvolatile memory (see Figure 16). Parameter settings are
modified from four screen tabs: the Modem tab, Com/Analog tab, Radio tab and Frequencies tab. When desired
parameters in each tab window have been adjusted, select the OK button to store the parameter information into local PC
memory and exit the parameter screen. Clicking the Default Parms button sets certain parameters back to factory default
settings. Clicking Cancel exits the parameter screen without modifying any parameters currently stored in local PC memory.
Modem operating parameters include:
Modem Type